For over 80 years, United Way has fought for the health, education, and financial stability of our community. As we've grown and evolved, we've sought to refine our focus areas to allow us a more targeted approach and make us more capable of gauging our funding's impact.
Our Health Goals
- Health Equity: All households have easy access to ample, affordable high quality healthcare.
- Healthy Beginnings: Babies are born at a healthy birthweight and grow in healthy environments.
- Trauma & Resilience: Households are free from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), violence and physical hazards; communities support people's health, safety and development.
- Behavioral Health: Households will demonstrate improved behavioral health by reporting better mental health and a reduction in substance abuse.
- Food Security: All households have access to nutritious food.
Our Education Goals
- (Birth-Age 6) Early Childhood Development: Children's health, physical, social, emotional, intellectual, language, and literacy skills are supported and developed to lay a strong foundation for a successful life.
- (Ages 7-12) School Readiness & Success: Students successfully transition through school gaining the knowledge, skills and abilities they need for success.
- (Youth) Post-Grad Prep & Career Readiness: Students graduate high school on time prepared for post-secondary education and/or training, work, and life.
Our Economic Mobility Goals
- Adult - Post-Secondary Education: Individuals pursue educational opportunities to increase financial stability.
- Financial Literacy: Individuals have the knowledge, skills and supports to make choices that increase their financial stability and advance their economic mobility.
- Stable Housing: Safe, good quality housing units are available at an affordable cost. Shelter is available, providing services with dignity to those in need.