Be A Voice For Our Community.
Each year, volunteers oversee the distribution of United Way dollars through our Community Impact Grants.
These volunteers donate their time to review funding requests from local programs hoping to receive United Way support. They carefully assess grant applications, meet with applicants, and when possible visit their facilities to get a firsthand look at the programs and staff behind the operation. Partner organizations financial documents and fiscal health are also reviewed and analyzed by volunteers who are Certified Public Accountants or other financial professionals.
Funding recommendations made by Community Investment Volunteers are reviewed by a Community Investment Committee that submits a final funding proposal to United Way of Kankakee and Iroquois Counties' Board of Directors. The Board approves the proposal and distribution of funds for partner agencies' specific programs.
Help us determine how United Way grant funds are distributed.
We are in need of...
- 40 volunteers to serve as either in-person site visit volunteers or virtual grant evaluators.
- 10 volunteers, preferrably with a banking or finance background, to serve as financial evaluators.
If you are interested in participating in our Community Investment process, please fill out the interest form below.
Forms need to be submitted by Monday, March 24th. A maximum number of volunteers can be accepted, and this year we are trying to fit each volunteer with a slate of grant applicants that are new to them, if they have served as a Community Investment volunteer in the past.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please email info@myunitedway.org
Guidelines for Volunteering:
- You are ineligible to serve as a volunteer if you are employed by one of the grant applicants.
- If you serve as a board member for one of the applicants you can still volunteer, but you will not be assigned to help evaluate that specific program’s application.
- Volunteers will be asked to sign United Way’s Code of Ethics to affirm their understanding and support of the standards included within that document.
Role and Responsibilities of a Community Investment Volunteer:
- Review grant applications to obtain a clear understanding of the programs and operations.
- Attend program site visits, if applicable.
- Report critical observations or concerns regarding programs assigned to you in your evaluation forms.